Empowering MS Patients: Informative Health Articles to Support Your Journey

Health Links

This blog aims to support those passionate about holistic wellness by also sharing physical wellness information that may be beneficial. As someone diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in early 2021, I am always researching medical journals and information that can help me manage my health. Over this week, I collected a few articles that were very informative and helpful. I’d like to share them with you here:

Red palm oil is one of the most nutritious saturated fats out there. Since my diagnosis, I learned saturated fats help to rebuild our brains and contain essential nutrients. I now use many types of organic, cold-pressed saturated fats to heal my body. Those include ghee, avocado, extra virgin olive oil, beef tallow, and red palm oil. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet about the use of saturated fats. If you do a preliminary search, it’s likely you will see that it is supposedly bad for heart health. Doctors tend to emphasize this, but it is only the case if one eats too much of it. Doctors seem to completely ignore the healing powers of saturated fats (probably because they are incredible!). Consuming saturated fats intentionally in the right amount has many health benefits. I have only learned about red palm oil this year in 2023. I remember being programmed to believe that using any kind of palm oil was directly supporting the destruction of rainforests and orangutan habitats. However, I learned that there are sustainable fair-trade cultivation practices. The rumor is…people in power don’t want Americans to know about red palm oil because it would eradicate the American dairy industry. When I heard this my ears perked up immediately! Oh! A healing substance that is propagandized to be “bad” in America. Let me learn more…

Oxford Health benefits of Red Palm Oil


I am constantly frustrated that there aren’t more studies done with medicinal herbs. I was grateful to find this article which focuses on multiple sclerosis…

Medicinal Herbs for MS


America is polluted beyond measure with pesticides, chemicals, and toxins created by unsustainable farming practices and lifestyle. I am hyperaware of this as someone who tries to reduce their toxin intake as much as possible. It never occurred to me that ghee could be helpful with that! As I incorporate exercise into my life again, I understand that certain metals and toxins can leave my fat, tissues, and bones and re-enter my bloodstream, potentially creating a negative reaction. It turns out Ayurveda uses ghee to pull out toxins!

Using ghee to detox from pesticides:


Over time as I find more helpful health links, I will post them here to share with you.

Much love,

Amanda Sophia


Mercury in Virgo 2023


Saturn Retrograde and the Gemini New Moon