Full Moon in Pisces 2021

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When the Sun and Moon are opposing each other, it creates a Full Moon. The Moon has entered Pisces, which is opposite to the transiting Sun in Virgo. The exact opposition is determined with degrees and will happen when the Sun and Moon are both at 28º 13’ of Virgo and Pisces on Monday Sept 20 at 4:55pm PDT.

Symbolically, the Virgo and Pisces axis represents the balance between technical and intuitive knowing. Virgo is the awareness of how systems on this physical plane work together and Pisces is the awareness of how metaphysical systems work together. Taking care of your physical health is not complete without also addressing your emotional or spiritual health. The farmer might be a master with the earth, but without awareness of the unseen he wouldn’t know how to interpret the changing weather patterns or know why the Farmer’s Almanac could boost his harvest. Following a recipe will make a successful dish, but infusing the food with love and gratitude as you cook makes it divine. Music producers need to know how to use all their technical equipment and also need to be creative enough to make good music with it. Fashion designers have to understand how to sew and design clothing. When these energies are well balanced, we can experience magic in this earthly realm.

This Pisces Full Moon represents a culmination point of the seeds planted six months ago regarding our physical and spiritual health. On the 13th of March 2021, our Pisces New Moon marked a starting point for any intentions or manifestations set at that time. The average person doesn’t keep track of these things, but many spiritually inclined people do. It’s quite amazing to write down your intentions during a New Moon and check back six months later to see everything you wanted has come to fruition. It’s a great way to practice manifestation, hold yourself accountable, and make sure you are always moving forward. However, we could realize that what we manifested is not actually what we wanted and the Full Moon illuminates that for us. We are given the opportunity to redirect ourselves, make things right, and eventually start fresh six months later.

Looking deeper into the astrology of this Pisces Full Moon, we can decipher the meaning behind the lunar aspects. First, the Moon is making a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn and is copresent with Neptune in Pisces. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, while Neptune makes us unsure of reality. This Full Moon is purifying what we know as truth; a process that could bring confusion, delusion, or make us a martyr. To avoid drowning in Neptune’s vast ocean, it’s important not to lose track of the facts and data that apply to you in this physical dimension. Becoming disconnected from that subscribes you to an existence outside of this earthly plane. When we stay in touch with how much of a gift it is to be alive, we can more easily stay grounded. This could be an opportunity for you to cleanse yourself of any disorienting energies that are pulling you into the underworld. We can either come out of this Full Moon feeling reborn or double down on what is throwing us off balance. Whatever you tune in to will lock in and play out for the following six months, showing you the results of your decision.

For a more personal evaluation of how this Full Moon is guiding you, look at your birth chart to see which houses hold Virgo and Pisces. The significations of the houses will show you the areas of life associated with this Full Moon. You can also find any placements sitting between 23º-28º of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). The symbology of anything you find within that range of degrees can help guide you through the next six months until the next Pisces New Moon in March 2022.

Meditation and journaling will be extra powerful to help navigate you during this time. Important messages may also come through your dreams. Ground yourself outside, eat well, and stay hydrated. Rest if you’re tired. Physical, emotional, and spiritual health are more important than ever. I’m wishing you all the best.


Sun in Libra 2021 Equinox


Mars in Libra 2021