Mars in Sagittarius 2021

Mars in Sagittarius

On December 13, Mars moved into Sagittarius where it will transit for six weeks. Mars leaves Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn on January 24, 2022.


The archetype of Mars is a warrior. In Sagittarius, Mars is like a knight on a quest. Here, Mars is inspired and uses its energy to move far and wide for a special purpose. By nature, Mars is a planet that separates and severs. It can represent initiative, drive, and bravery as well as competitiveness, recklessness, and aggressiveness. Sagittarius is a sign oriented towards goals, reason, higher education, and spiritual righteousness. Sagittarian archetypes include teachers, writers, orators, scholars, lawyers, priests, philosophers, and explorers.


Previously, Mars was at home in Scorpio where it was squaring Saturn and opposing Uranus by sign. This was most potent in the middle of November. These aspects created powerful acceleration and tension which has subsided for now. Although Mars has moved out of rulership by moving into Sagittarius, it is content in a fire sign where it can move forth meaningfully in the pursuit of truth. The only harsh aspect will be a square to Neptune which perfects mid January.


Mars conjoined the South Node on December 15. The South Node is a drain or a point of release. This could have been a day that you forgot to do something important or when you felt extra tired.

Events from around November 10 (when Mars squared Saturn) could develop around December 29 when Mars makes a sextile to Saturn. This is the day before Mars hits the solar eclipse point. Our recent total solar eclipse from December 3 happened at 12º Sagittarius. Mars will move over this eclipse point on December 30-31. You can expect some sort of activation of any events that occurred during the eclipse from December 3. Keep an eye on the last three days of December.

The only other aspect of Mars will occur on January 11 when it squares Neptune, the planet of illusion. This aspect could bring on some confusing situations that lead to aggression or fighting. It could also make us feel lost or mislead for a couple days. Use this time to get creative, listen to music, meditate, or suspend your disbelief. 


Check your birth chart to see which house holds Sagittarius. This will indicate the specific areas of life that will be activated by this transit for you personally. People with significant birth chart placements in Sagittarius will feel the effects of this Mars transit more than others. If Mars is your chart ruler, timelord, or greatest malefic, this transit will be strong for you as well. People with placements in the other mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Pisces) are also likely to feel this activation.

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