Mercury in Scorpio 2021

After over ten weeks transiting in tropical Libra, Mercury will enter Scorpio on November 5, 2021. This ingress occurs about twelve hours after Venus moves into Capricorn. Mercury will be joining Mars and the Sun in this sign and will transit Scorpio for less than three weeks, until November 24.

The function of Mercury is to argue and destabilize. In mundane astrology, Mercury is the planet of communications, commute, and commerce. This transit may include themes of protecting or uncovering sensitive information related to social media, transportation, or trade.

In natal astrology, Mercury represents the mind, communication style, and ability to reason. In a fixed sign like Scorpio, Mercury can either be stubborn and defensive, or penetrative. Coming from a prolonged period in Libra due to its retrograde, Mercury is ready to leave an air sign ruled by Venus where it had to play nice. Mercury will now be able to get down and dirty in a Mars ruled water sign where it can directly investigate the psyche. Mercury is done superficially blowing hot air and it wants the tea on how we really feel and why we feel that way. It wants us to deeply reflect on the state of our emotions, question if we feel safe and secure, and decide if there is something that needs to change. We won’t be able to continue ignoring the truth.

What hidden things will we be able to uncover?

Mercury will be making aspects to both malefic planets on November 10, with a conjunction to Mars and square to Saturn. Also on that day, Mercury and Mars will be in antiscion with Jupiter in Aquarius. This could symbolize aggressive words or an argument about how to improve certain systems that aren’t working. It would be wise to handle it with maturity and think about how your reaction could impact others.

Check to see which house holds Scorpio in your birth chart. This will indicate the areas of life that are being activated by this transit. This transit will be most influential to those who have Mercury as their chart ruler or timelord. 

For more on the aspects in transit, follow me on social media @astroyogiamanda or subscribe to my monthly newsletter.

Aspects of Mercury in Scorpio 2021:

  • Nov 06: Mercury sextile Venus

  • Nov 10: Mercury conjunct Mars in antiscion with Jupiter

  • Nov 10: Mercury square Saturn

  • Nov 13: Mercury opposing Uranus retrograde

  • Nov 18: Mercury trine Neptune retrograde

  • Nov 19: Mercury in antiscion with Saturn

  • Nov 20: Mercury square Jupiter

  • Nov 21: Mercury sextile Pluto

  • Nov 24: Mercury enters Sagittarius


Astrological House Meanings


Venus in Capricorn and Venus Retrograde