The First Reno Astrology Meetup

Hello my astrology friends! How are you all?

My last post was many months ago and so much has changed!

I am returning to this blog excited to create a space for my family and friends to get informed about the current astrological transits, how it may be reflected in their lives, and what we can learn from it. This will also be a place for me to post educational information about astrology.

Since my last update on here, A LOT of major shifts have happened.

On March 6, 2023, Saturn, the CEO of our solar system, moved into watery Pisces for the first time since May 1993. It will transit through this sign until Valentine’s Day 2026 when Saturn moves into Aries with Neptune!

The most recent rare planetary shift was March 24, 2023 when Pluto, the Kingpin, moved into forward-thinking Aquarius for the first time since 1777 when the Declaration of Independence was signed in America!

Another notable transit was Mars’ extended transit through Gemini from Aug 20, 2023-March 26, 2023, that’s seven months! This was due to Mars’ irregular orbit and also its retrograde period from Oct 30, 2022-Jan 12, 2023. Two Geminis I know experienced swelling and inflammation in the limbs during this period of time. As soon as Mars entered Cancer at the end of March, their symptoms went away. There is an infinite amount of ways that this transit could have manifested, so it’s always amazing to see people in my life experiencing similar things during the same transit. #astrologergood

As far as longer term transits, Jupiter also re-entered Aries (due to retrograde) on December 20, 2022. Jupiter will move into Taurus May 17, 2023 for one year. Jupiter’s expansive nature will touch all material goods, resources, food, comforts, luxury, etc. Unfortunately, Jupiter can also potentially manifest as inflation.

We don’t often get so many rare shifts happening at the same time, but it is in alignment with the major changes happening all around the world.

I launched the Reno Astrology Meetup as Pluto entered Aquarius and I organized our inaugural meeting for the Jupiter/Sun cazimi on Easter Sunday April 9th. The meeting was a success and I’m looking forward to the next one! The Reno Astrology Meetup happens the second Sunday of each month. Attendance is available for FREE via Zoom or in-person. Each meetup has an astrological lecture and afterwards attendees can share their personal stories related to the subject. I found that allowing people to share how the astrology has shown up in their lives is extremely validating and even healing to many people because we can relate to each other through the celestial energies. The lecture is recorded and later posted online for free for a limited time. I’m looking forward to seeing what this meetup group turns into!

If you want to see my presentation on Pluto in Aquarius from the April 2023 Reno Astrology Meetup, it is available on Youtube

By the way, I changed my handle on socials! I am now @s0phian0va on everything! Add me <3

It feels great to finish my first blog post after a long break! I’ll update you all soon! 

Much love,

Amanda Sophia


May 2023 Transit Chart


The Cosmic Dispatch