Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius- Dec 3, 2021

Over the past 18 months, we have had eclipses happening on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac. This cycle of eclipses started in June 2020. This axis of the zodiac signifies the information we know and how we synthesize it. Sam Reynolds calls it “the circuit of knowledge and understanding”. It’s learning and comprehension, reasoning and judgement, ideas and beliefs, or intellect and opinion.

The beginning of this eclipse cycle began at the start of the pandemic when no one had information on the virus and we didn’t know what to believe. The fear associated with a lack of understanding created distrust and doubt, which has only hindered our ability to stop the virus from continuing to mutate and spread due to misinformation.

The final eclipse of this cycle is happening the night of Dec 3 and will be exact at 11:42 pm PST. This total solar eclipse will occur at 12º Sagittarius, which is also the Ascendant degree of the United States’s birth chart (Sibly). The totality of this eclipse will only be visible in Antarctica. Symbolically, this indicates a turning point for the United States in particular, perhaps related to our president who is also a Sagittarius rising. Moreover, this final eclipse may indicate that the most intense challenges we’ve been facing related to the misinformation of the pandemic are finally coming to a conclusion. Although conspiracy theorists will continue running rampant, at least now there is actual scientific data and statistics available to us that weren’t there before. We won’t see another Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse cycle again until 2029.

After this final event, people with mutable rising signs will be done getting hit hard with eclipses. Our next eclipse cycle will be happening on the Taurus/Scorpio axis through the end of 2023. That means people with fixed rising signs will be the focus of this next eclipse cycle. Check your birth chart and find the houses with Gemini and Sagittarius to see which areas of your life have been affected by these eclipses since June 2020.

Click here to watch this Sam Reynolds video for more information on this eclipse.


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